So today I thought I would share my miracle oil with you and how I developed it.

About 4 years ago I came across an interview or something of the sort with Sofia Loren. I was amazed at how gorgeous her skin looked for her age, she was adamant no surgery had been performed or anything un-natural injected into her face. She just said she had used an old Italian secret.

Hello I’m part Italian, aren’t I allowed to know the secret? Anyway so I ended up filing it away in to the back of my mind. The next time I saw my mum (shes Spanish so I’m not sure why I asked her) I mentioned the interview. She was adamant the secret was that they used either olive oil or in her mothers case, sweet almond oil.

I researched a little into the benefits of sweet almond oil. I found that sweet almond oil was hypoallergenic, and so safe it can be used on the sensitive skin of babies. Its endowed with the highly potent antioxidant vitamin E, making it perfect to keep your skin soft supple and protect your skin from stress and UV radiation damage.  It also has vitamin A…say goodbye to acne flare ups…it has all sort of benefits.

I then found you could use this oil as a base to mix in your favourite PURE essential oils, adding their own qualities and benefits to the sweet nectar of the gods. Oils such as  lavender, jojoba, rosehip, and carrot seed. Look up their benefits, they are amazing.

I use my concoction in place of a night cream, when I run out of makeup remover or cleanser, I use it for spot treatments on pimples and skin irritations, as a hair treatment, and in place of my hand cream. My only gripe with my concoction is I don’t use it enough, I’m lazy at night and sometimes don’t put anything on my face before falling into bed after cleansing (I know. Naughty!)

I usually mix 2/3 sweet almond oil and the rest a mixture of essential oils, sometimes even adding pure vitamin E which can be found in capsules (I use a pin and tap into the capsule and squeeze out the goodness) or in tiny serum bottles.

My go to mix is Sweet almond oil, rosehip & jojoba oils and a few drops of lavender. I’m not a huge lavender scent fan, but the benefits cant be ignored. It can treat and prevent flare ups AND used as a disinfectant. Not to mention its calming properties.

My plastic pump bottle is what I pour everything into, and give a good shake. I also have on hand a glass dropper that I use when I only want a drop or two to mix into foundations or for spot treatments.

Obviously you need to do your research, and look into each oils side effect and benefits. I recommend performing a patch test to the skin on your arm first before applying to the face, and noticing if the skin reacts well overnight or if any flare ups occur.

I find when I use this religiously my skin feels radiant, re-balanced and softer than ever. It just looks healthier!

Give it a try and let me know how it goes


oil face oil 2face oil